Battle : Veg VS Non-Veg Food

Hi Guys, I know what you all have been thinking about this debate “Veg VS Non-Veg Food”. There are so many deep points we can discuss on this. Some people say Veg Food is better and doesn’t create any digestion issues after having it. Some say Non-veg food is much healthier in terms of protein. I know that everyone is not right but they are not wrong either. It all depends on the person consuming it and how fast is their metabolism working to digest it.

Veg vs Non-Veg

Let’s first understand the basics of both the Veg VS Non-veg food. Now it’s not only a religious matter but also it’s a matter of choice. There are so many Hindu’s out there eating Non-veg food and also there are so many Muslims and Christians who prefer to eat Veg food by their choice. No one is going to force anyone to change their eating preference just because they are in the opposite food chain. 

Most of the vegetarian people will say that they love animals more and hence it’s their choice to eat veg food. However it doesn’t mean they love plants only, many of them are veg but also drinking milk can make them a non-veg eater. Scientists have added milk in both Veg and Non-veg category in the food chain. In Veg also there are many types of people who are completely Veg and they don’t even eat or drink milk based products, and we call them Vegan. The same way there are many Non-vegetarian who are limiting their food to only eggs and they do not consume any other form of meat. 

A recent study showed that Vegetarians have very low BMI compared to Non-vegetarians. Also Vegetarians showed a lower mortality rate from heart disease, diverticular diseases, gallstones and appendicitis. 

Vegetarian diet is very rich in minerals and vitamins. The fiber content is also very high in veg food, which is essential for effective digestion. The Non vegetarian diet is rich with high value protein. It’s the main source of B complex vitamins, especially B12. It’s also beneficial with Amino acids which our body cannot produce on our own. We simply want you to understand that every food has their own benefits in their own way. Anything that is overly consumed and not digested properly with some basic exercise is going to backfire you anyway.

Veg vs Non-Veg

Veg VS Non-Veg Food is a long-standing debate that has been going on for centuries. While some people choose to abstain from eating meat, dairy, eggs, and other animal products, others enjoy consuming a variety of meats and animal byproducts. There are numerous benefits and drawbacks to both veg and non-veg diets, and it can be difficult to decide which option is best for you and your lifestyle. As such, it is important to understand the differences between veg and non-veg foods and the pros and cons of both diets.

First and foremost, the main difference between veg vs non-veg food is the source of protein. Veg food sources include plant-based proteins such as legumes, nuts, and grains, while non-veg food sources are typically animal-based proteins such as meat, fish, and eggs. Veg diets typically provide lower quantities of saturated fat and cholesterol than non-veg diets, making them beneficial for people with heart disease or high cholesterol. Additionally, veg diets may provide higher quantities of dietary fiber, vitamins, and minerals than non-veg diets.

On the other hand, non-veg food sources provide higher quantities of protein and other essential nutrients such as iron, zinc, and omega-3 fatty acids. These nutrients are important for maintaining optimal health and are not found in large quantities in veg food sources. Additionally, non-veg diets may provide a greater variety of proteins and flavors than veg diets, making them preferable for those who enjoy a more diverse diet.

Veg VS Non-Veg Food also has different environmental impacts. Veg diets are generally more sustainable than non-veg diets as they require fewer resources to produce and have a smaller carbon footprint. Additionally, veg diets typically involve fewer animal products and may be beneficial for reducing animal cruelty. However, non-veg diets may be beneficial for local economies as they provide a variety of jobs and income for small-scale farmers and producers.

It is important for people to make informed decisions about their dietary choices and to ensure that they are meeting their nutritional needs. It is possible for people following a vegetarian or vegan diet to get all the nutrients they need from plant-based sources, but it may require careful planning and attention to ensure that they are consuming a varied and balanced diet. Non-vegetarians can also ensure that they are eating a healthy diet by choosing lean proteins, such as poultry and fish, and limiting their intake of red meat and processed meats.

Finally, it is important to consider the health impacts of Veg VS Non-Veg Food. Both veg and non-veg diets can provide health benefits; however, veg diets may be more beneficial for reducing the risk of certain diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. Additionally, veg diets may be more beneficial for weight loss and improving overall health.

Enjoy the food of your choice and stop judging what someone else is eating, it’s their choice the way you are eating food of your choice. You are blessed with the food of your choice while many not even are blessed with food. Try to feed any hungry or poor you see on the street. What goes around comes back around. 

Ultimately, the decision between Veg VS Non-Veg Food is a personal one. It is important to consider your dietary needs, lifestyle, and preferences before making a decision. Additionally, it is important to be mindful of the environmental and health impacts of both diets before choosing which option is best for you.